Friday, September 02, 2005

Jilbab, Caftan, Galabeya, New Addition Al Jilbab

New Jilbab,Caftan,Galabeya Addition
List of Jilbab, cafftan and galabeya added to AlJilbab online store. This page is updated whenever a new addition is made. To start shopping click on products on top menu bar, go to the most appropriate category matching your size, browse different jilbab models, read the detailed measure of the Jilbab caftan or galabeya , if you find it fits you add it to your shopping cart. Take in consideration that a jilbab should be loose fitting so your actual body measure should be at least 3-4 inches less than the given measures.

1 comment:

Usaha di Rumah said...

This is good and nice. I agree with this idea. This is good also for everyone. I just want to say thank you , btw anyone may see also Kerudung Cantik.